Tania Domínguez Gallegos/El Taller DeLirio, Huecorio, Michoacán
The DeLirio workshop was born 22 years ago in the town of Huecorio, Michoacán, their goal being to continue the diversification of ancestral paper techniques.
There are eight women and two men who work in the workshop, each versed in all the technical processes of producing their lirio paper. Recently, they have included endemic natural dyes that are added to the pulp to achieve an incredible variety of colors and textures.
DeLirio’s goal is to add their “green” and innovative production chain to the long list of artisan crafts — one more craft added to the rich artisan tradition of Michoacán.
The project ranges from paper-making to the care of the environment. Their organization of the work itself creates a reasonable, creative and equitable work system. Since all the women are mothers, each works according to the needs of their families.
A trade, whatever it may be, is a way of life, which accompanies them both in survival and human development, empowering them in diversity — they believe there is a need to always improve and learn new ways of working and relating to each other.
The lirio paper this cooperativa makes contains the spirit of their beloved Lake Pátzcuaro.
Calle 3 deMayo s/n
Pueblo de Huecorio, Mich
4341038657 WA
Facebook: tallerdeliriooficios