Sergio Pérez Arana, Tonalá, Jalisco
Sergio Pérez Arana was born and still lives in Tonalá, Jalisco, known for its diversity of ceramic types and Gran Maestro artisans. At the age of 15, he started working in his brother José Pérez's pottery workshop (taller). He began doing chores such as sweeping the taller,
but soon graduated to learning how to paint, enamel and firing his pieces. Next, he attended a silver workshop to learn design and how to work with the metal.
For over two decades, he has loved his work and instilled in it his passion and desire to continue innovating and creating unique work. It is with great pride and pleasure, Sergio presents his work for exhibition and sale.
Alta temperature (high-temperature) ceramics has been practiced in Tonalá since 1958 when Jorge Wilmot and Ken Edwards began their work here. Since then, this type of ceramics has become another traditional technique in Tonalá.
Family members also work with Sergio. There is someone in charge of the production process, assembly, promotion and sales.
Making a living as an artisan is not always an easy and fruitful life —
sometimes Sergio sells very well giving him the incentive to continue the work he loves.
Sergio has won awards over the years including:
-- 2020. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Galardón Jalisco a la Artesanía 2020, 1er. Lugar en la Categoría
Metalistería y Vidrio (1er. Lugar en la Categoría Metalistería y Vidrio)
-- 2021.Tonalá Jalisco, XVI Concurso de la Cerámica Tonallan 2021, 1er
Lugar en la Categoría de Cerámica Contemporánea (1st Place in the Contemporary Ceramics Category)
-- 2021. Guadalajara Jalisco, Galardón Jalisco a la Artesanía 2021, 2do. Lugar en la Categoría Metalistería (2nd Place in the Metalwork Category)
Pedro Moreno # 144, Centro
Tonalá, Jalisco
331 516 0987 casa
331 503 4764 WhatsApp
Instagram: taller_creativo_perez
Facebook: tallercreativoperez