Rosa Gómez Sántiz, Grupo Muk´ul Lum, Oxchuc, Chiapas
Oxchuc is a town and municipality that you will cross traveling from San Cristobal de las Casas to Ocosingo or Palenque. It shares borders with the municipalities of Huistan and Cancuc. The climate is warmer than in the other highland areas of Chiapas and it is the land of coffee and honey. Most of its inhabitants work in agriculture.
Some communities make large earthenware jars that are used to make atole and most women weave and embroider. The local costumes are disappearing. You won't see many red and white or purple and white striped huipiles that were made 10 years ago, except during special events. You still see men and women wearing traditional clothing in the small rural villages, but not in the city. Fewer and fewer people dress in traditional clothes.
Men wear white shirts with red sashes. The sleeves are embroidered with red thread. Women's huipiles are similar to the huipiles of Cancuc, but are woven and designed with brocade in Oxchuc. The traditional huipiles are highlighted by a design of four fangs around the neck called the fangs of the jaguar in Cancuc or the four cardinal points in Oxchuc.
Rosa Gómez Santíz is part of Grupo Muk''ul Lum, a cooperative that began in the 1970's with 14 women and is currently reduced to seven due to economic reasons and political conflict, many families have left the area.
The seven women are all related; two are daughters-in-law of Doña Rosa from Pantelhó and Chenalhó. The pieces created by the group reflect their origin. Doña Rosa is considered one of the best weavers in the area and makes beautiful huipiles and ceremonial shirts for both men and women. She has also adapted her designs to modern clothing.
Grupo Muk 'ul Lum
Domicilio Conocido,
Oxchuc, Chiapas
Barrio Guadalupe
before arriving at the welcome sign on Carretera Internacional
919 104 3756 Whatsapp