José Flores (? — 2022) Guadalajara, Jalisco
Clothing designer Jose Flores, of Guadalajara, until his death in 2022, had been creating his elaborate original designs for over 35 years. Working in traditional Mexican forms, many of his designs are based on indigenous motifs. He was self-taught and his creations in both cotton and man-made fibers. Many of his beautiful creations are made of Mexican blankets, a sturdy cotton fabric used for centuries in Mexico.
But the basic fabric is just the beginning. José embroidered incredibly intricate silk designs, which in some cases cover the entire piece. His inspiration was to create distinct designs of high quality, with special attention to detail. The use of natural fibers, his way of expressing his respect for materials that come from the earth.. Many of his pieces are embroidered top-to-bottom, both front and back. Unique in their design, they are extremely colorful and truly attractive.
Jose also sewed his clothes, so could create custom pieces.
Col. Rancho Nuevo
Guadalajara, Jalisco