Marco Antonio Castillo Hernández, Izucar de Matamoros, Puebla
There is a magical energy that comes from the folk art created by the Castillo family. Marco Antonio Castillo Hernández is the fifth generation to make Trees of Life (Arboles de Vida) and barro policromado.
The Castillo family includes generations of Puebla potters that began making rustic and utilitarian pieces to satisfy the basic needs of the community more than 200 years ago. Marco´s father, Alfonso Castillo Orta, began to experiment with decorative pieces based on his heritage and produced highly refined, multi-chromatic works of art. In 2009, Mexico lost one of its most creative artists when Alfonso passed away.
The perfecting of their current art has demanded many years of experimentation with various processes. They have developed elements that are far more expressive through their skills and mastery of their work. The Castillo family's art is whimsical, with a playful ingredient that sets it apart from others who would try and copy their technique and style. There are about 9 family members involved currently at the workshop.
Marco´s father, Alfonso, is featured in the book "The Great Masters of Mexican Folk Art" published by Fomento Cultural Banamex. The family has also had a book written about them, "El Arte de la Familia Castillo" that is available when you visit their workshop.
Callejon del partidor # 3
Colonia Barrio de San Martin Huaquechula, Izucar de Matamoros
WhatsApp 243 1151020, 243 43 60366
Facebook: Arbol De Vida Marco Castillo
Instagram arboldevidamarcocastillo