María Aragon Sánchez y Gloria Cruz Sánchez, San Marcos Tlapazola, Oaxaca
Both María Aragon Sánchez and her sister, Gloria Cruz Sánchez, were born in the pueblo of San Marcos Tlapazola, Oaxaca. Her native language is Zapoteca. A single mother, María has raised two children with the help of her sister — a son and a daughter, who studied to become doctors. Gloria has never married.
Both María and Gloria started working with barro (clay) when they were eight years old. They were taught by other potters. They gather the clay, clean it, sift it and then create their pieces. They do all the firing themselves.
The daughter is very creative and occasionally offers suggestions for designs. The faces on the pots was her idea. They have not entered their work in competitions, in part, because they have been told that they can't. There is a story here to be sure; however, they did not explain.
Their work is different from most of the other work in the pueblo because they use faces. The simplicity and form of the pieces these women produce are very pleasing to the eye and the pocketbook. Their dishes can be used on the stove, in the microwave or oven and do not contain lead.
Privada Porvenir #1
San Marcos Tlapazola, Oaxaca951 281 3329 celular