Luis Lazo Mendoza, Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca
Luis Lazo Mendoza was born in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca, in 1983. He is a member of a family of weavers who have dedicated themselves to the craft of weaving and dyeing with natural dyes for four generations.
Within the family there are many weavers who have achieved significant recognition by using very fine weaving and achieve higher-quality carpets such as Arnulfo Mendoza. Luis Lazo has followed in the footsteps of his father, and specializes in fine weaving - up to 24 threads per inch - and in different unusual and unique designs.
Dyeing is another area that Luis also devotes much of his time. He likes to experiment with dyes reactions to metals, for example. He is trying to rescue natural dyes that were previously used so that the entire carpet or rug is 100% natural.
He uses pericón (a plant that is used to make yellow) cochineal (an insect that grows on cactus and is used to make red), indigo, mulberry stick, mulberry extract, tequesquite and other pigments.
He has participated in events organized by a dyer’s group comprised of several states called Conabio. They share their knowledge and use these dyes more frequently. Luis teaches courses in fiber dyeing.
Luis has benefited from grants for his work, most notably a grant from the American Tapestry Alliance, who recognized him as a superior maestro weaver and dyer. He has participated in exhibitions at the Textile Museum of Oaxaca, in the Peter Gray Art Museum in Puerto Vallarta and has won several awards for folk art.
Adolfo Lopez Mateos 81
951 524 4071 home; 951 123 3177 cellular
Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca