Kinal Antzetik, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas
Kinal Antzetik founded in 1992 is an organization of women whose goal is to work together to improve their standard of living in their communities. They promote self- sufficiency, equality of men and women, fight abuse of women, improve health through education and promote autonomy, democracy, and constitutional changes in the area of the rights of the indigenous culture.
Jolom Mayaetik and Maestras Artesanas are arms under the umbrella of Kinal Antsetik which includes 250 women weavers. They have been working together since 1995 and the group consists of 11 groups from 11 different communities in the municipalities of San Andres Larrainzar, Chamula, Chenalhó, Pantelhó and Oxchuc which gives the cooperative access to a large array of traditional designs and techniques.
To compete in the international and fair-trade markets, they also create new designs that incorporate their ancestral techniques and symbols.
The assembly is made of three representatives from each community who select a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The women receive training in administration, bookkeeping, and new designs.
Calzada de la Escuela #25
Barrio La Quinta San Martin
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas
967 112 5071
jolommayaetik@hotmail.com or kinalantsetik@gmail.com