Jesús Sosa Calvo, Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca
Jesús Sosa Calvo lives and works in San Martin Tilcajete, Oaxaca, a town that has made a great deal of economic progress based on the development of alebrijes (colorful wood carvings). Thirty years ago the town was dedicated to embroidery like many other towns. Today, the insatiable market for painted wood animals has changed the lives of artisans who make them as well as some established perceptions of the nature of folk art.
Oaxaca folk art is now known around the globe and it is here where folk art has crossed over into fine arts and the art gallery world abroad. Folk art is a living art form that reflects the artisan's changing world, just as fine arts do and movies.
Jesús has a special touch with his alebrijes — their whimsy and delicate features make him a highly sought after craftsman by those who have been fortunate enough to encounter his work.
The tourism that Oaxacan artists rely on for their livelihoods has been in jeopardy over the last year and a half due to civil unrest and travel bans that have kept the tourists away. Bringing Jesús to Feria Maestros del Arte along with other folk artists from Oaxaca will hopefully open the eyes of Feria-goers to the fact that Oaxaca is once again a safe place to travel and seek out the art that Oaxaca has become famous for
You can hold a tiny object in your hand made by a village craftsman that carries within it his bittersweet humor, fascination with and embrace of death, easy acceptance of both tradition and novelty; his world of bright colors, dramatic skies, and ancient mysteries. Perhaps you will take home with you something of his sense of space and time that is not linear, like ours, with a beginning and an end. But Zapotec time, Indian time, more human time, the timelessness of works of art. In Mexico, "time is not so much a flowing river as a very deep lake."
La Mano Mágica Galería
Macedonio Alcalá #203
Centro Histórico
Oaxaca de Juárez, Oaxaca, 68000
(951 233 5267 WhatsApp