Faustino Guzman Jacobo, Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán
Faustino Guzman Jacobo learned the art of working with tule and popote (straw) from his father. His seven adult children, grandchildren and wife all help in the work. From time immemorial, the artisans of the Lake Pátzcuaro region have made diverse objects from tule and chuspata, a variety of bulrush. Many years ago, only bedrolls were produced, the use of which continues to this day among indigenous peoples.
Faustino tends to make mostly the large Christ figures. The family makes baskets, floor coverings, and a variety of decorative figures, representing images of daily life in the surrounding area, revolutionary (armed) guards, religious figures, angels, virgins, musicians, fishes, planes, skeletons…etc. Many others in Tzintzuntzan do this type of work; however, Faustino’s work is more intricate and unusual
Tule or chuspata (type of reed) art from Michoacán are almost an endangered species, because, for example, most Mexicans are now using insulated plastic or Styrofoam tortillero baskets. The material used comes right from the shores of Lake Pátzcuaro. It's called chuspata, but more commonly known as tule reeds.
Baskets and other utilitarian items made from this reed are eco-friendly and sustainable items for the home. Plus, when you purchase this work, you are helping employ many Mexican artisans who may have had this type of work done in their families for generations. It is a craft that gives a home that touch of soul and charm we all desire.
At present, he must purchase his raw materials as many owners of property along Lake Pátzcuaro do not allow the artists to gather the straw and tule from around their homes.
He soaks the various forms of reed for 30 minutes to make it pliable before beginning to work with it. The tools used in Faustino’s work are simple – a knife to cut the pieces, and string or thread to tie the parts.
He has won many awards at the federal, state and local levels. Faustino has never exhibited outside of Mexico.
Callejon del Convento #46
Tzintzuntzan, Michoacán
434 344 3500 casa, 434 112 2885 cell Lupe/Guadalupe Garcia Rios