Cooperativa Angahuan, Angahuan, Michoacán

Cooperativa Angahuan, Angahuan, Michoacán

The Angahuan Cooperativa consists of about 30 artisans. Their goal is to improve their work and for the artisans to be able to better show and sell their work.

Prudencia Bravo Rita is a third-generation artisan. She has been making rebozos since her was a teenager. With five children, her daughters also weave rebozos. Her primary language is Purépecha, although she does speak some Spanish. Shyly, she speaks lovingly of her craft and wanting to rescue the truly traditional work of the past.

Angahuan is a Purépecha community located 32 kilometers from the city of Uruapan in the state of Michoacán, Mexico. The name of their cooperative comes from Purépecha "Angahuani", which means place after the slope. It is a community of pre-Hispanic origin and still retains its customs and traditions.

This small pueblo (town) is visited by many tourists because it very close to the volcano Paricutin and the ruins of what was once the village of Parangaricutiro that was buried by the volcano in 1943. Angahuan itself is a picturesque village on the plateau.

Prudencia Bravo Rita
452 170 2724 (cellphone - daughter, Dionisia) (José Bravo)
José Bravo/Director of Culture - 452 166 9924 (cellphone)
