Betsabe Orozco, Guanajuato, Guanajuato
Betsabé and Edith Orozco and their mother, Delfina Segoviano de Orozco, have strived to strengthen their heritage through their imaginative figures and papier maché sculptures. Delfina taught Betsabé and Edith her craft as children, instilling a love for art, culture and Mexican tradition. Betsabé and Delfina's designs are traditional while Edith creates pieces taken from dreams and her imagination.
The figures are first made in clay. From this a plaster mold is made in two or more parts. The molds are then covered with recycled paper and engrudo (flour, water and white carpenter's glue). When the paper dries, it is slipped off the mold and the parts are joined to complete the art iece. Sanding comes next and then an application of a protective coating. Then the piece is painted.
477 775 0895