Adolfo "Fito" Garcia Diaz, Tenancingo, Mexico
He was born in Tenancingo, State of Mexico on October 14, 1950. Adolfo, or Fito as his friends and family know him, is a cotton shawl weaver, a trade he learned from his grandfather.
Fito has specialized in what he calls the "palmeado" and "venado" design. His apprenticeship began at the age of 8 doing the simplest of tasks. At the age of 15 he was on the loom and at 17 he managed to buy his first pedal loom to later have his own workshop, where he has several looms, each one being used for a different design.
His son, Luis García, is also a proud weaver of rebozo jaspe.
Carmen López Sánchez, his wife, works with the women in the villages around Tenancingo who make the rapacejo, giving them ideas for the designs and colors to be used.
Fito has won several prizes and awards and is one of the most important rebozo weavers in the country, working on the pedal loom.
Calle Sonora 10
Barrio de la Ciénega
Tenancingo, Edo. de México
714 142 4537 WhatsApp
@adolfogarcíadíaz instagram