José Ruiz Montoya, Tequila, Jalisco

José Ruiz Montoya, Tequila, Jalisco

José's heritage is rich and fodder for his creative art. Today. approximately 8,000 Huichol still survive, keeping alive a nature-based and spiritual way of life now long extinct in most parts of the Americas. 

Due to the encroachment of the modern world, the core of Huichol traditional life is dissolving, and their ability to sustain their cultural identity is in grave danger.Missionaries, tourists lumber companies, agro-chemicals, alcoholism and abandonment of traditions are undermining their ability to prevail. However, there is still hope.

Virtually untouched for centuries, Huichol Indians took refuge from the Spanish conquest in the remote Sierra Madre mountain range. The Huichols have no history of war. Rather than training for war, they train their hearts to open to the healing powers of love and to the celebrations of life through the seasons. Because of this, they are famous for their str

Privado Refugio Sandoval 113 - Int 4

Tequila, Jalisco

811 249 4667, 374 102 9508
