David Cortina Ocaña, Santiago Tepalctlalpan, Xochimilco, Mexico paper mache piñatas

David Cortina Ocaña, Santiago Tepalctlalpan, Xochimilco, Mexico

David Cortina Ocaña, has always been interested in cartonería (paper mâché) and piñatas, because they are used in the festivities of his home town; however, it wasn’t until 2014 that he acted on this fascination and participated in the Annual Contest of Piñatas at the Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico City. His work caught the attention of critics who encouraged and motivated him to continue improving his technique and evolving to make piñatas with a more decorative concept and popular expression.

David believes his art of making piñatas is an opportunity for personal development, as well as a means of expression and dissemination of information on cacti. One of the members of his group is a biologist who has communicated the importance of the conservation and propagation of Mexican species of cacti. This knowledge has inspired David to use cacti in many of his designs.

What began as participation in a contest, has now become an important part of his life —a work group has been formed to
create their unique designs as well as bring income into their homes.

David has won three awards for creativity in the annual piñata contest at the Museo de Arte Popular in Mexico City.

Calle 2 de Abril #20, 

Santiago Tepalctlalpan, Xochimilco, Mexico

5556532047 home

551 015 0283 Whatsapp


Facebook: Ivan Smokalot
